Monday 20 July 2015

Top 10: Deities of the Old pantheons

Recentely, over the past month or two, I have gotten into a game called Smite, now I don't ussually like MOBA's but somethign about the way smite did it makes it a really enjoyable game for me. Anyway this list lists my favourite Gods/Godesses based on their playstyle and lore.

10) Chaac, Mayan God of rain
One thing I liked about the mayans is that although they kept sacrifising people to make sure the sun comes up everyday, they didn't like it very much, they actually liked the Chaac a lot more because rain is what makes food grow, which in such a hot country rain isn't frequent enough to be annoying.

9) Freya, Queen of the Valkyries
Now as a class i'm not to fond on mages, or really magic users in most games, Iv'e always preffered up front blade to blade combat than blasting fire balls, yet Freya has a nice mix of the two, her basic attack is close combat but if needed you can make a ranged attack for versatile play.

8) Ne Zha, the third lotus prince
Don't be fooled, Ne Zha is a guy. I like Ne Zha Mainly on a playstyle level, I recentely got into the Assassin class and Ne Zha has an ability which gives him a little more staying power which could pottentisally heal him for a majority of his health.

7)Tyr, the lawgiver
Tyr is the first god I "mastered" and I believe what intrigued me about him the most is his great sense for fairness and justice, as well as the huge sword he swings around with ease.

6) Mercury, Messenger of the gods
MErcury reminds me a lot of the Flash which is propably why I like him, i just quite like the cocky speedsters. As well as that he has an ability which can be a bit trolly where he sort of runs around them creating a cartoonish tornado and throwing them wherever he wishes, good for throwing enemy gods into towers.

5) Nemesis, goddess of vengenence
Nemesis originally strated out as part of the warrior class but for whatever reason was moved to the assassin class. She tricked Narcissus (Yes the guy Narcissism is named after) into lookign at his gorgeous reflection for so long that he died of starvation, for revenge or something.

4) Artemis, godess of the hunt
As far as her trap ability goes, I believe that Artemis is the most deserving fo the hunter name, she is the godess of the hunt. because of her ability to severaly slow down the enemy once you begin losing to her there is not much chance left if you are on your own.
3) Athena, goddess of wisdom
Athena is the only Guardian I actually like playing, I do respect the class a lot, opting to take all that damage others are unable to withstand, she has some of the highest mobility in the game just because of her ultimates ability to just drop by any ally on the map.

2) Serqet, goddess of venom
First of what intrigued me most about Serqet was that one of her outfits was Steampunk themed, Iv'e been kind of wanting to get into steam punk but no idea how to. Now that she is my main assassin mainly because I like to watch people run off thinking their safe, just for the poison I administered to take that last bit of health, exploding the venom onto their allies to start the process anew, hehhehheh.

1) Bellona, Goddess of war
I like pretty much everything abotu Bellona, Her character is that of a energetic, cocky and strong individual with an amazing set of abilities which makes any hunter cry as their basic attack focus is renedered next to useless, she is also a warrior which has a nice balance of damage and defence, versatility is something I admire and value greatly. Looks wise she is also my favourite, just thought I'd add that.

Seeya soon 

Almighty PSYduck o.O


Tuesday 7 July 2015

Anime recomendations

Read the title.

Not in any particular order.

Elemental gelade
This anime isn't very recent, In fact it was pretty much one of the first anime that I saw back when I started REALLY getting into anime. It's story line is filled with action and romance, It just brings up so many feels that I can't explain it just go watch it.

Mirai Nikki
Some of you may know this as future diary. To be honest I haven't completed this one yet but I plan on doing so tonight. It a really good anime as you feelings for characters change quite a bit throughout the series so much you can't remember if you like someone or not.

So iv'e re-watched this anime several times and I can never get tired of it. I'd say it's because I feel that I relate to the main character a lot especially towards the end of season 2 but that could be pretentious. Any way all you need to know is that its a light humor anime so is fun to watch.

Tokyo Ghoul
I'm sure that most people would have already seen this, if not then what the hell are you doing? Seriously though It got good action,gore and feels and is an emotional ride to watch, very very worth it.

Seeya soon

Almighty PSYduck o.O

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