Wednesday 23 April 2014

Weekly top 10: MARVEL characters

Because I did DC last week I shall be doing MARVEL this week, enjoy.

10) The Vision
Created by Ultron to defeat the Avengers and almost succeeded, but instead decided to join them. He is an all out power house and managed to get with the Scarlett witch which I have to respect.

9) She-hulk (Jennifer Walters)
Sexy, smart and strong, She-hulk has it all and when she is not beating down baddies she is fighting in court dealing with super human matters. Unlike her cousin Bruce she is able to control her anger and not become a rage induced maniac.

8) Starlord (Peter Quills)
Starlord is not only a badass when it comes to fighting but also is very funny and witty, which is generally what a character needs to be a fan favourite. He also looks cool in the future Guardians of the galaxy movie which I am looking forward to.

7) Thor (Donald Blake)
Worthy of his title of god of thunder, Thor manages to stay as one of the strongest members of the MARVEL universe. He has increased strength, durability flight and can smack you down with some lightning, if that is not the very definition of badass then I don't know what is.

6) Deadpool (Wade Wilson)
This one goes without saying. Deadpool continues to please with his variety of randomness and sometimes sick humour that for some unknown reason we can not help but love. He is also one of my favourites because of his conversation with not only the voices in his head but with the the audience as well.

5) Ms Marvel (Carol Danvers)
Half human and Half Kree Ms Marvel is another power house with sex appeal to boot. She is also a key member of the Avengers, comic avengers of course.

4) The Punisher (Frank castle)
Frank is just the no S*** badass of the MARVEL. He is more practical than other heroes like spider-man or batman in the case that he will kill his enemy's rather than putting them in a prison they will break out of.

3) Iron man (Tony Stark)
Iron man is many peoples favourite hero and I think everybody wants an Iron man suit of their own to just fly around in and punch the general person into the ground when they annoy you. What is ironic about Iron man is that he was originally made to be an unsinkable character but quickly became one of the most popular instead.

2) Spider-man (Peter Parker)
The most recognisable hero there is (I don't know it's not superman but that's what the survey said). Spider-man has an array of both cool and whacky villains who are almost always entertaining. Spider-man is also another witty character and I like bad jokes so for me Spider-man is really funny.

1)Wolverine (James "Logan" Howlett)
Wolverine is my favorite character because of his pure badassness and the fact that he will always look for the nicer option rather than punch first, sure he used to be like that but out of most other characters he has undergone the most change. Who wouldn't want Bone claws either...well...maybe with out the pain.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

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