Tuesday 7 July 2015

Anime recomendations

Read the title.

Not in any particular order.

Elemental gelade
This anime isn't very recent, In fact it was pretty much one of the first anime that I saw back when I started REALLY getting into anime. It's story line is filled with action and romance, It just brings up so many feels that I can't explain it just go watch it.

Mirai Nikki
Some of you may know this as future diary. To be honest I haven't completed this one yet but I plan on doing so tonight. It a really good anime as you feelings for characters change quite a bit throughout the series so much you can't remember if you like someone or not.

So iv'e re-watched this anime several times and I can never get tired of it. I'd say it's because I feel that I relate to the main character a lot especially towards the end of season 2 but that could be pretentious. Any way all you need to know is that its a light humor anime so is fun to watch.

Tokyo Ghoul
I'm sure that most people would have already seen this, if not then what the hell are you doing? Seriously though It got good action,gore and feels and is an emotional ride to watch, very very worth it.

Seeya soon

Almighty PSYduck o.O

Read this blog on tumblr as well

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