Saturday 26 April 2014


So earlier today I decided it would be interesting to see how much time I have spent watching anime in my entire life. It turns out that I have watched 64 days worth of anime and to be honest I couldn't be bothered to add how much time I've spent watching pokemon because that is way to various.
I imagine quite a lot of people would have watched more than me but this is still pretty incredible and shows you that I do really sincerely love anime to what could be seen as an unhealthy extent, It doesn't even matter what genre it is for me, Action, Harem, slice of life etcetera  etcetera (saying that Iv'e never watched any Yaoi).

I also find the music really awesome, I have no Good idea on how to sing the words because I don't speak Japanese but they sound so epic and meaningful, like the anime themselves.

If you compare the anime I watch to the soaps my mum watches, In the soaps they are all mean to each other and at the end of the day are never nice people not to mention they reuse the same storyline in the same show all the time. Anime however everyone shows their nice side at some point and teaches you life morals, the main one being to never give up and always protect your friends.

So yeah basically I really really really like ANIME.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

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