Wednesday 5 March 2014

Top 10: Masters of the light side

This time I'm keeping with the Sci-fi but closer to religion than electronics with my top ten Jedi from the star wars franchise.

10) Shaak ti
This one is on my list for her role in the force unleashed, she is one of the only Jedi to have survived order 66, she was even originally planned to die in episode 3 at the hands of grievous. After order 66 she went to Felucia in which she managed to befriend a slightly force sensitive race which to most was hostile, so props to that.

9) Aayla Secura
Some times depicted with an extra green lightsaber this Twi'lek was almost kicked out of the Jedi order for going to near to the darkside, I also like her because I seem to have a thing for Twi'leks, that's not strange right guys....guys?

8) Anakin Skywalker
Another Jedi who strayed close tot he darkside, well not just strayed but went full on to become a Sith (spoilers), this guy is awesome for his different aproach on things, action over negotiation seems to be the theme.

7) Obi-wan Kenobi
Kenobi is one of the best characters morally I think, He has been trained by Qui-gon and Yoda and I imagine he picked up a couple of things when he was teaching Anakin which made him go for some more unorthodox methods, he also gained the title Negotiator for his deeds during the clone wars (basically being a smart-ass to separatists).

6) Yoda
Of course this guy is on the list, we knew he was strong in the force when he lifted the x-wing with ease in his old age and then we got a taste of his sweet sabre skills to when he thrashed Dooku, small and old yet powerful and agile.

5) Rahm Kota
This guy is probably on my list because he's alot like a samurai, seriously look at his lightsaber hilt close up on google or something it looks just like a katana hilt. Also he was smart enough to use his attack force rather than the clones which saved his life when it cam to order 66.

4) Marek \Galen
Most of used may know him as Star killer or the apprentice and yes I am just referring to him when he was briefly a Jedi, although he was at first on a mission from Vader he eventually saw the light and strove to start the rebel alliance which use his family crest as the rebellion symbol.

3) Mace Windu
Not only is he the creator of the form of lightsaber combat known as Vaapad but he is, essentially when it comes down to basics, the "mac-daddy of the Jedi order".

2) Qui-gon Jin
Seen as one of the only good things to come out of episode 1 (other than maul and his double ended lightsaber). He was a wise Jedi who was skilled in the force, but also disobeyed the council enough to be one of the few Jedi badboys that there were, the only one to stay on the light side (maybe because he died but who knows)

1) Luke Skywalker
Mainly talking about episode 6 Luke when he had finished his training, this is exactely how I would personaly dress if i were a Jedi, green blade and all. Now lets do some research, Luke beat Vader in combat, Know by my reckoning Vader had jut under 40 years training and experience in which he has been taught by both the light and the dark, Were as Luke had 4 years training, in which only a year of that was proper training, meaning that luke is such a bad ass that he doesn't need experience to beat the strongest Sith ether to live who also happens to be the chosen one.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O