Wednesday 19 March 2014

Top 10: Male Anime Characters

This weeks top 10 goes away from the recent star wars theme and focuses on one of my other loves anime, Ill do a list for my favourite female anime characters some other time.

10) Lelouch Vi Britania (Code Geass)
Who wouldn't want to have the power to make people do what ever you wanted. Lelouch is awesome because i think if most people got his power they would probably use it to play tricks on other people were as Lelouch decided straight away that he would take down the worlds biggest empire and that takes balls. He is also a great strategist and a genius, what I also like about the show is that Lelouch doesn't always win and is actually affected by the emotional crisis of those around him (unlike a certain someone from deathnote)

9) Levi (Attack on Titan)
This guy is awesome because of his pure skill and capability to take down creatures much much bigger than he is, he even has a higher success rate than Eren who can fight on equal terms with titans rather than at a disadvantage. What makes his character interesting though is that he is also a cleanliness freak which brings into question why he goes about spilling blood.

8) L (Death Note)
You have gotta respect a guy who never really go's outside, has really bad posture and doesnt really look after his looks yet some how all the girls seem to swoon over him (real life girls anyway), he is also a genius at everything and if you ask me I really didn't like N.

7) Rin Okumaru (Blue Exorcist)
When your father is Satan but you were bought up by an important priest it's got to be hard to choose what side to be on, but Rin knows what side to pick and always does what is right and fair for at least most people, he also has that kick ass sword of his.

6) Toshiro Hitsugaya (Bleach)
The youngest captain of the Gotei 13, Toshiro has already proven to be one of the strongest of his piers and will only continue to grow in strength, he also knows what to fight for even if he rushes into things without thinking a couple of times.

5) Greed (Full metal alchemist Brotherhood)
I don't actually quite know why I like this guy, all I know is that as soon as he got his new body he instantly became my favourite of the series, he contradicts what he was born to be and helps other when necessary.

4) Teen Gohan (Dragonball Z)
 In a matter of days Gohan managed to go from one of the weakest of the Z fighters to being briefly stronger than his own father, he's one of the few fictional characters who's power comes from their anger and knows how to use it at the same time, lets just say cell was an idiot for trying to provoke him.

3) Issei Ishida
Now I've seen alot of anime like Highschool DXD and in most of those the male protagonist would always be week and saved by the girls constantly, not Issei though, ok he was originally but it wasn't long before he became the most powerful character fighting for what is right and his inner desires OPPAI!!!

2) Gajeel Redfox (Fairytail)
Gajeel is the true avatar of retribution, he was eventually accepted by the guild he was ordered to destroy, turning quickly from an evil henchmen to a bad-ass hero, also did I mention he's a iron dragon slayer.

1) Nagato (Naruto Shippuden)
Naruto is one of the anime's that has affected my morales the most, but in particular Nagato. Ever since he explained the cycle of revenge I have done my best to refrain from any acts of vengeance. He truly desired peace and was mislead, but the thing is that he knew the peace he was looking for was not true peace but he believed it was the best option. He also posses the Rinnegan which gives him six sets of badass powers and increases his mastery in other Jutsu. To show the true nature of his character he resurrected all those he had recentely killed, what a great guy... well Kinda.

Seeya Soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

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