Tuesday 15 April 2014

Super Showdown: Iron man Vs Batman

I know its been a while since I last blogged something but My charger broke not to long ago so I was unable to. I've decided as a gift to any fans I may have (though I don't think I do), The gift is a versus series I am Going to call a Super Showdown. Every so often I will post who I Think would win in a fight between two super heros who are similar in some way.

For the first fight I will be pitting The million dollar play buy philanthropist against the worlds greatest detective, they both use their money to become super hero's, Iron man vs Batman.

I will be observing the hero's Physical ability, Mental status, Equipment and tactics. The fight will be done on a basis of them meeting up randomly with what they would usually have on them.

Physical and combat Ability
Bruce Wayne is in supremely good condition and is able to go on for a long time without break because of this, he is also trained in several forms of martial arts which both helped him to increase his physical ability and his combat prowess, he is able to take on tens of enemy's and come out with a scratch. Durability wise he will be able to shrug off most injuries but he is still a man when you get down to it so is required to wear his bullet proof suit as to absorb damage.

Tony Stark is in the average condition for a man his age and has some martial experience. In his suit Tony becomes a true power house, being able to lift up to 100 tons and his durability is classed as superhuman so is beyond bullet proof, his suit also allows him to reach high speeds both in the air, land and water.

I'm going to have to give the edge to Iron man in this fight, although Batman s martial prowess would make him superior in hand to hand combat his punches and kicks would do little to no damage and probably end up hurting him were as a single punch from iron man could break several bones in his body at once.

Mental status
Bruce Wayne is very smart and is seen as one of the greatest detectives of all time, he is able to see what professional detectives can not and find the best way to go about things with an incredible record of getting it right. There may be some sign of mental scarring though from when is parents were killed in front him sometimes leading him to rash and un thought out behaviour although this would not be very likely. Batman has always showed the ability to adapt, however this is usually showcased after he has been defeated.

Tony is one of the smartest men in the MARVEL universe and proves it by constantly creating new iron man suits for different tasks such as bringing down thor or the hulk if it were necessary, he is constantly evolving his armour collection. He is also a very cocky individual always shooting for the fame and not thinking about what he's doing  or the effects they could have. He has also shown some weaknesses such as when he had a drinking problem which drove him into depression leaving his friend James Rhodes to be iron man for a short time.

In this category I am going to have to give the edge to Batman, although Stark is ultimately smarter his rash behaviour leads him into many tight situations were as Batman will always try to work out the best solution adapting to the situation constantly.

Bat man has always been known for his utility belt and the many things he keeps inside it, he has equipment for all sorts of different tasks, his most famous are the grappling hooks and batarangs, the grappling hooks allow him to make it up and down buildings with relative ease also adding the possibility to latch onto enemy's, batarangs are best described as Shuriken as they do not come back but are designed to leave a hole in the enemy's chest, they can have several things such as explosives attached to it for knocking over larger enemy's or taking out a few at a time.

Iron man's suit is rigged with weapons and counter devices, his most famous are the repulsor beams with are able to knock back or stun enemy's rather than killing, he also has anti magnetism and anti EMP devices so that he can't be taken down by such things, he also hides beneath his armour mines tank busting missiles Etc.

In this department I'm going to have to give Iron man the edge. This is because Batmans equipment range are designed for various situations which would not apply against Stark were-as Iron mans armour is designed for specifically  but whooping and countering his own weaknesses.

 Combat Tactics
Batman is the master of stealth and thought out strategies, he prefers to go for tactics in which his enemy won't see him or were he takes them by surprise, it would not be odd for him to set up traps in the middle of the fight for an opponent to stumble onto unbeknownst .

Iron man as mentioned before is incredibly cocky and will most likely rush in and use brute force to overcome the enemy, although this is true because of Starks technology he will be able to sense heat signatures and point out any traps or sense batman before he goes in for a counter strike.

In this section I'm going to have to give the edge to Batman, as we can be sure he will think out all his actions and come up with smarter solutions to his problems.

Final decision
After much thought  I have decided that Iron man would be the victor of this bout. This is because although Batman is superior when it comes to tactics he just simply isn't prepared for Iron mans capabilities, anything Wayne would throw at Stark at most would delay him for a second or two but because of his advanced technology would quickly nullify anything Wayne has rendering him next to useless, even with Batman's ability to adapt  the best he could come out with here is for him to retreat and prepare for a future fight, but as he would be retreating that would count as a victory for Iron man, not to mention Stark would most likely pursue Wayne further which depending on the terrain could go either way.

I would love to hear any comments anybody has and please keep any criticism constructive so that I can help Improve my posts in the future.

Seeya Soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

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