Tuesday 20 May 2014

Migrating north

I don't know whether I have any fans or regular followers outside my friend group or not, but this post is here to tell you that I am moving my blog to Tumblr as I believe that it is probably a superior site for blogging.

The link for the site is https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mightypsyduck

I Hope you will enjoy my future posts even on a change of platform.

Seeya soon Almighty PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Weekly Top 10: Imperium of man and their enemies

I don't think iv'e mentioned this but I am a big fan of Warhammer 40K, it's been a while since I last played but I am getting back into it, the background and stories from the 41st millennium are just awesome. This will be my ten favourite 40K races/ species/ armies etc.

 10) Orks
Infamous for their bad grammar and unrefined technology the Orks kick of the list. The thing I like about the Orks is the fact that their is enough of them to obliterate half the universe, but instead they fight who ever comes in front of them even if that enemy is each other, I guess it's lucky that Orks are as Stupid as all hell. WAAAAAAGH!!!

9) Sisters of battle/ Witch hunters
The Sisters of battle make up for the lack of females in other armies and the imperium of man, as a good 99 percent of their forces are female as implied by the name. It appears that their speciality is flame weopons which goes with the name witch hunter quite well.

8)  Tyranids
These guys came out of nowhere, they literally just swarmed in and started eating everything that had flesh. They all work under the same Hive mind controlling their every terrifying move, they can either swarm you or crush you with their Tyrants and carnifexes. It's a pretty nasty way to go being eaten by a tyranid if your not blasted by their bio-weapons.

7) Eldar
Although they caused their own downfall with the birth of the chaos god slaneesh, they have learnt their lesson and dedicate their lives to becoming pure of mind and sin to avoid being swallowed by chaos minions. They used to be the biggest empire ether to walk across the stars.

6) Imperial Guard
The Imperial guard are not in unison as the other armies available as their tactics usually include swarming the enemy with so much manpower that it doesn't matter if you lose some soldiers or blasting the holy hell out of anyone with their basilisks and baneblades. I believe that they have had their names changed to the astra militarum, these are the remnants of man kind  and are some of the best defenders their is.

5) Tau empire
They do not wish to kill or feast (well.. maybe the kroots do), all they truelly want is peace, which is pretty weird in this universe. I would say that their technology looks the most advanced, it isn't but it's still better than the Orks tech. I suppose its the fact that they pursue harmony is what I like about them.

4) Grey Knights/ Demon hunters
Basically the Paladins of the Imperium, If the Witch hunters ignite flames, the Grey knights extinguish the flames of chaos as their name clearly states. All but one of the Grey Knight models is completely bad ass in all forms, what they lack in numbers they make up for in power, also every member is basically a Psyker (psychic).

3) Chaos Space marines
 During the Horus heresy many of the revered space marine chapters left the emperors side and Joined the chaos gods in an attack to wipe out the Imperium, although it ultimately failed. space marines are cool enough as it is so if you give them demon powers, well lets say blood will be spilt. Whether its Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle or Slaneesh they always bring something to the table (get it).

2) Dark angels
The first space marine chapter to be founded, the Dark angels are steeped in Mystery and have been given the nickname the unforgiven. They also have their own specialist forces called the ravenwing and deathwing, when you consider that space marines are already specialist units, those guys have to be badass.

1) Dark Eldar
 Finally my top 40K Army is the evil more sinister versions of the Eldar. The Dark Eldar don't fight for peace, conquest or anything like that, just because they like to, the Orks also fight because they like it but the dark Eldar still have a different way of doing things, they enjoy displaying their dominance and watching the pain and suffering of others as their hope slowly fades away from their dismembered bodies. The dark Eldar are also one of the most technologically advanced races, with tank busting weapons such as the haywire grenades or the dark/void lance or the beast slaying poisoned weapons carried by the normal infantry. These guys did not learn from the fall of the Eldar either in fact they carried on with their sins and saw the Eldar gods as week for dying in such a way.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Weekly Top 10: Favourite Star wars characters (In general)

I realise this is really late but I just forgot OK. Anyway this weeks Top 10 is continuing with the star wars theme (as you can tell I'm a massive fan). When I mean favourite character In general I mean that they are not necessarily Jedi or Sith. It is also best to note that since my last star wars top 10 my opinions of certain characters have changed.

10) Han Solo
Solo was instantly one of the fan favourites and was the role which started off Harrison Fords movie career. Other than Piloting this guy has no special skills, but still manages to kick Imperial ass when it is needed. #Hanshotfirst ...Kidding I don't do Hash tags.

9) Darth Vader
I would be willing to bet that Vader is the most recognisable character out their, if not maybe top 10. As badass as Vader is I have to question something, Why is he refereed to as the dark lord of the Sith? Is that title not applied to the master, therefore Sidious. I am also convinced that he would have made a good father if Luke had gone with him willingly.

8) Mara- Jade
The wife to Luke Skywalker, Mara-Jade was originally an imperial agent but after meeting luke would go on to be an esteemed Jedi. I really hope that the rumors are not true, I want Mara-Jade to be in the New Star wars films, they could have been creative and worked the new films around the expanded universe while not using some EU story, you don't just discard the expanded universe ok, that's how you get fanbases angry.

7) Mace Windu
It's hard to get more badass than Master Windu over here. He was the greatest duelist during the clone wars era and his force abilities were not half bad either. He also looked at the seventh form of lightsaber combat, juyo and said I can do better, so he just made his own making up for several of juyos flaws.

6) Darth Maul
Maul is able to take on two of the Jedi Orders greatest duelists (granted one was still of padawan rank) and kill one with some ease, It was only his cockiness that made him lose, without it the Star wars Universe will be very different. Saberstaffs are also My weopon of choice for its incresed defence and option for powerful swings of the lightsaber.

5) Boba Fett
Another Instant fan favourite although when you think back he didn't do much in the movies but be knocked into the sarlaac. I wouldn't really say that either him or his dad convey the general feel of mandalorions but they have their own nice spin to it which makes them nothing but likeable.

4) Obi-Wan Kenobi
Out of the all the Jedi before the Jedi purge (Order 66) Kenobi did the most to take down the sith and C.I.S. He defeated Maul, Grevious and a young Vader which were all master duelists, not to mention he is basically the epiphany of what the Jedi believe in, it is his second nature to act as a Jedi should, under pressure Anakin gets angry, when Kenpbi was losing to maul he focused and won the day.

3) Galen Marek
Just when you though Starkiller was badass enough with his reverse grip, turns out his greatest strength wasn't his combat prowesss but instead it was the force, I mean come on he pulled a star destroyer to the ground while it was in mid flight, not to mention he was put to a standstill against the emporers lightning.

2) Luke Skywalker
Another amazing force user, Luke can't pull a star destroyer out of the sky but he can destro entire armies on his lonesome. As I have mentioned before Luke has very little Jedi training compared to most yet he is able to take down one of the strongest sith lords ether known with not much struggle when he actually attempted to win.

1) Darth Malgus
Now recently I have gotten really into playing the Old republic and the trailers exhibit Malgus' amazing strength. From a acolyte he was taking down Jedi masters and continued to wreap chavok across the galactic republic. What I like about his fighting style aswell is that He clearly uses the strong blows of Shien which would ussually lack mobility but Malgus seems to somehow still be very agile while using it making up for his major weakness.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O