Thursday 22 January 2015

Top 10: Only the Avatar can save the world wide web

I am a massive fan of Avatar The last Airbender and the Legend of Korra, Iv'e been in an Avatar stage again recently so I thought I'd make up for that Joke earlier and make a proper top ten (also I have noticed from 8 through to two the images I have chosen seem like they have just had their name called out at an award ceremony or something).

10) Avatar Wan
First up on my list is the original Avatar. Although he potentially doomed the world he also started the cycle of the avatar living on for many a different lives. I also liked his character development, going from troublemaker to seasoned master bender.

9) Amon
Secretive, powerful and a great speech maker, Amon can not help to be cool. His mark gives him the villain like image, his blood bending give him the frightening power he is just to good a villain, he wasn't even properly defeated in combat he merely ran away due to inconvenience.

8) Toph
Toph has what I think is the perfect balance of power and comedy. She is unrivaled when it comes to Earth bending and she is always ready to give off a sarcastic comment or insult an enemy. She also was the first metal bender, so props to that.

7) Zuko
From villain to anti-hero Zuko not only looks the coolest but he has the drive, back story and power to back it up. He is just plainly put a very interesting, if not angsty, character.

6) Korra
The protagonist to the Legend of Korra series, I quite liked the idea of a more hot headed, straight forward avatar and that is what they gave us, her story is filled with riveting tales of adventure, love, and finding ones self.

5) Sokka
I don't really need to describe why I like Sokka. He makes up for his lack of bending with a great wit which we can't help but like. Although he doesn't have any bending he is still highly capable of holding his own thanks to space sword and his trusty boomerang.

4)  Varrick
Varrick takes the top spot for funniest guy in the series. One of my personnel favorite types of humor is stuff that can seem random and eccentric, which is just so happens to be what Varrick is the personification of.

3) Bolin
Another funny character, Bolin isn't funny because of deliberate humor but because of his general behavior and the antiques he gets up too. Also he can lava bend, I called it in book three, I said that he would lava bend as he was not able to metal bend and he did.

2) Iroh
Iroh is like Toph in the sense that he has a good balance of comedy and humor, however his humor ranges in both the comment she makes and his general behavior. What I also like about him is that they lead you to believe that he is some old man that is past his time, then he goes and kicks major ass.

1) Zaheer
This guy is completely different to my other top spots. First of all lets just talk about his sheer skill, he was deemed dangerous enough to put in a specialized prison before he could airbend, just because of his martial prowess, not to mention he quickly mastered his own form of air bending in not long at all and was the second known person to achieve unassisted flight. I also have to agree with him about freedom requiring chaos.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Still Alive

As some of you may have noticed, my presence on my blog, for a while has been all but non existent, well I don't have a good reason for that I just got bored, But alas I have returned with a wealth of knowledge and experience, hahaha as if.

As you may have so cunningly observed I am not writing this post on Tumblr as I said I would do, well the reason for that is that I got bored of it (recurring pattern here).

I can't Imagine I will be doing many top ten lists in the future but here is one just for that one fan of mine, My favorite colours...

10) Brown
9) Orange
8) Yellow
7) Grey
6) Blue
5) White
4) Turquoise
3) Purple
2) Green
1) Red and black

In depth right, brought a tear to my eye.

anyway the real thing I shall be writing about is what my Ideal world would be like. Frankly it would be quite chaotic yet peaceful, angry yet forgiving,  inconvenient yet also strangely convenient. As we all no Chaos and freedom are one in the same one can not live with out the other it is essential as air (My main man Zaheer).

The first thing that comes to mind would be that there would be a serious problem to do with spontaneous combustion, No I'm not Joking. You just be standing with yo friends when suddenly one of them is on fire and the other thing about my world is that people would often not react to much they'd be like "well, Steve is a goner". There would be no reason for the combustion it just happens, but it would be convenient at times like in winter when everyone is super cold, then your burning mess of a friend becomes a nice fore for everyone to stand around.

Generally the world would just be out to ruin your day, it would be the world were saying "at least it isn't raining " will cause it to rain and quite badly. Or you would be going down a zip wire and out of nowhere a tree would grow almost instantaneously for you to crash into.

Of course you realize that this world is simply good for amusement and would be hell to live in, but if it's funny it's probably worth it, at least that what me and my friends say

Seeya soon
AlmightyPSYduck o.O