Monday 29 June 2015

Damn It feels good to be a... generally hateful person PART 2

This post is here because a friend of mine said he was disappointed I didn't write about him, so this is what this is, enjoy.

This guy, my god what a complete and utter wanker, he is the most scummiest guy I have ever met. If he was any more of a scumbag he would be put under house arrest for life so nobody had to suffer his presence, they would even think about bringing back the death penalty.

Yes that was a Joke, he is a very nice guy who is easy to talk too and a lot of laughs, I do not know him as much as i'd like so there is not any insults I can give him thus far.

Seeya soon

Almighty PSYduck o.O

Thursday 25 June 2015

Simply put, ANIME

Here is a list of Anime I have watched or am watching from my childhood days onward (this is not in order and spelling may be off). Please suggest any Anime I haven't sen as I am always looking for new shows to watch.
Naruto, Naruto shippuden, Bleach, One piece, Fairytail, Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, Sword art online, Sakurasou no pet na Kanojo, Elemental gelade, Shuffle, Toradora, Haganai, Infinite stratos, Golden time, Rosario vampire, Soul eater, Kanokon, Full metal alchemist, Full metal alchemist brotherhood, Akame ga kill, Sekerei, Code Geass, Death note, Princess Lover, Bo Bo Bo, Senran kagura, Highschool dxd, Shingeki no Kyojin, K-on, Ouran highschool host club, Nourin, To love Ru, Yu-gi-oh!, Yu-gi-oh! GX, Yu-gi-oh! 5Ds, Yu-gi-oh! Zexal, Pokemon, Digimon, Beyblade, Trinity seven, Date a live, Blue exorcist, Maken Ki, Sora no otoshimone, Is this a zombie, Baka do test, Cardfight Vanguard, Campione, Amagi brilliant park, Hayate the combat butler, Daitoshokan no hitsujikai, Clannad, Chuunibyou demo kai ga shitai, Kanojo ga flad wa oraretera, Saekano, Noucome, Rokujouma no shineyakusha, Yahari ore no seischun love come machigatteiru, Absolute due, Tonari no Kaibatsu kun, Danshi Koukousei no nichijou, Yamada kun to 7 nin no majo, Shokigeki no osuma, Nisekoi, Shinmai maou no testament, Tokyo ghoul, Danmachi, D-frag, Kill la kill, Maji de watashi ni kio shinasai, Inou battle wa nichijou kei naka de, Hataraku maou sama. 

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Dreamy Eyed

I got to remembering recently, I came across a memory when a friend of mine asked what I'd look for in a girl, mainly what I preferred look wise.

But here is the thing, for a while now, looks have not been that important to me, I mean I would prefer a girl to be good looking but I would go out with someone based on their personality and I'm not just saying that to make the ladies swoon.

Once upon a time I would of gone out with a girl over looks. Well actually I'm pretty sure in a situation as such I'd probably activate my instinctive fight or flight mechanic and find an excuse to leave, avoiding it entirely out of panic.

Looks wise though I'd say one of the most important things for me in a girl is for her to have nice well looked after hair, Not to long and not too short, I find that scruffy shorter hair is what I seem to prefer, also I'm not into blondes that much (at least not 3d ones), I actually have a thing for blue hair, don't know why.

Personality wise, I want a girl that is strong willed, now I don't mean a colossal mouthy b**** who says she is a strong independent women, what I mean is a girl who who can deal with things without making a big fuss and doesn't rely on people to much and doesn't pry to far when not welcome (this may be because of my own hate of help from others). She has also got have a positive outlook on life, I can't stand people who act all sad and depressed over every little thing.

As much as I talk about my "dream" girl the truth is I have never been the type to move anything forward relationship wise, I'm also not the most desirable guy in the world but what are you gonna do, I'd be fine without one anyway.

Seeya soon

Almighty PSYduck o.O

Damn It feels good to be a... generally hateful person

I felt like ranting again.
I have come to realize recently that my most prominent feelings are anger and annoyed. Also that I tend to be nicer to people I barely know than to my friends I see all the time and know to much about. Our sessions usually include hurling friendly insults st each other. ANYWAY I’m going to complain about my four usual friends (workout who you are).
First friend is a generally cool guy who you can rely on, but my gods he has a problem with addiction, he uses the excuse of “I’m an adult” which he thinks is viable but if you need to make an excuse then that’s generally a sign that its a bad idea, In my eyes using the excuse “I’m an adult” is very childish as only children try to remind people how adult they may be.
Second friend is the a lovely man who will never fail to make me chuckle. However he is never serious, like NEVER it’s hard to get a straight answer out of him and because of such is very unreliable.
Third friend is a nice guy, like me when he gets into a fandom or something he tends to end up knowing a lot about it. He is also very self destructive, he goes on about how he has no future but it’s that very demotivated attitude which is causing it, he’s destroying his own future.
Fourth friend is a very friendly guy. However he is the most contradictory, immature of the four. There are many dickish things he will do to you that he would not tolerate being done to himself, almost as if it’s fine only when he does it. He once threatened a friend by raising his fist and standing over him trying to convince him how not violent he was.
Other than that they do have their good points….OK give me a minute.
Seeya soon 
Almighty PSYduck o.O