Tuesday 23 June 2015

Damn It feels good to be a... generally hateful person

I felt like ranting again.
I have come to realize recently that my most prominent feelings are anger and annoyed. Also that I tend to be nicer to people I barely know than to my friends I see all the time and know to much about. Our sessions usually include hurling friendly insults st each other. ANYWAY I’m going to complain about my four usual friends (workout who you are).
First friend is a generally cool guy who you can rely on, but my gods he has a problem with addiction, he uses the excuse of “I’m an adult” which he thinks is viable but if you need to make an excuse then that’s generally a sign that its a bad idea, In my eyes using the excuse “I’m an adult” is very childish as only children try to remind people how adult they may be.
Second friend is the a lovely man who will never fail to make me chuckle. However he is never serious, like NEVER it’s hard to get a straight answer out of him and because of such is very unreliable.
Third friend is a nice guy, like me when he gets into a fandom or something he tends to end up knowing a lot about it. He is also very self destructive, he goes on about how he has no future but it’s that very demotivated attitude which is causing it, he’s destroying his own future.
Fourth friend is a very friendly guy. However he is the most contradictory, immature of the four. There are many dickish things he will do to you that he would not tolerate being done to himself, almost as if it’s fine only when he does it. He once threatened a friend by raising his fist and standing over him trying to convince him how not violent he was.
Other than that they do have their good points….OK give me a minute.
Seeya soon 
Almighty PSYduck o.O

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