Wednesday 26 February 2014

Top 10: Mechanical things

Yes this time I'm doing a top 10 of my favourite mechanical things, be it cyborgs, androids or just plain robots.

10) K-9 (Doctor who)
Who doesn't want a dog with a laser on its nose, although that might be a draw back when he is chasing cats, at least he will be guaranteed to be obedient.

9) Franky (One piece)
If he's not making badass ships he's kicking the asses of enemy's. I would definitely make him part of my Nakama.

8) Asura path Pain (Naruto shippuden)
This is probably just on my list because Nagato is my favourite Naruto character... thats it.

7) Terminator
Lets just say he's my favourite when he's protecting me rather than trying to kill me.

6)Winter soldier (MARVEL)
His arm may be the only Robot thing about him but he is still a mega badass none the less. He and nightwing prove that even if you are the ridiculous sidekick you can one day be cooler than your mentor.

5) Locutus (Star trek the next generation)
Picard was already prettty cool and when he was turned into part of a mass murdering race of cyborgs, he started to look as cool as can be.

4) Proxy (star wars the force unleashed)
In his normal form he looks pretty weak, but considering he can turn into both a young obi-wan and darth maul he is someone you don't want to mess with without the training.

3) Robocop
Both strong and tactically efficient its hard to get a better badass than he and to add on to that he has the punisher attitude of no bull**** to get the job done.

2) R2-D2 (Star wars)
This guy right here has seen the sith return, take over and get defeated while helping out him self, he is also considerably brave for a wheelie bin.

1) The Vision (MARVEL)
This guy isn't that well known but before he was a hero he showed the power to take down the entirety of the avengers before changing his mind, which is considerably harder when your a preprogrammed android.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Saturday 22 February 2014

A common Interest

So as some of you may know I am a fond player of trading card games, Yu-Gi-Oh!. Not one of the people who only plays with their friends who live close by and don't even follow the ban list, I actually go to a club every Thursday to play with and against other people.

I started Going there since last July and have only missed two weeks In which it was on. Any way getting to the point I would like to compare part of it to when I first started college, On the first day of college I managed to successfully make like 1 or 2 friends, were as going to the store I made loads of friends within no time, which definitely shows that a common interest is what brings people together and keeps already made friendships even stronger.

I am currently trying my best to Remake an old Infernity deck of mine for competitive play, I don't know why Iv'e always liked Infernity it just feels like the playing style for, consistently topdecking (relying on the next card you draw to be helpful at that time).
I think having a hobby like Card games is healthy because, for one thing I haven't known anyone to get bitchy or violent about it like some other sports *cough* Football *cough*, and the other is that its some of the only socialising I volunteer myself for.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Top 10: fictional forms of transport

As promised this is the second part of the weekly Top 10, this week will be my pick of the top 10 fictional forms of transport.

10) The Ectomobile (ghost busters)
This probably one of the most iconic pieces of fictional vehicles and that's the reason it's on the list. You look me in the eye and say you would turn down a chance to drive this about

9) Enterprise (star trek)
Imagine it, being the captain of hundreds of others in your very own spaceship, exploring the galaxy. Not to mention the enterprise is essentially a massive hotel in places making for a comfy journey, you know when the Klingon's aren't getting mad about something

8) Bumblebee (transformers)
Not always considered transport but who wouldn't like a car which can transform into a giant robot who can blow your enemy's to smithereens

7)Shadow fax (the lord of the rings)
Although it may not be nearly as fast as the others on this list the pure grace and majesty of the horse would definitely leave your friends in awe, and its a perfect excuse to go about dressed as Gandalf

6) Tardis (doctor who)
Standing for Time And Relative Dimension In Space who wouldn't like to go back in time to any time you want or go anywhere you want quickly without any chance of breaking history in the process

5) Delorian (Back to the future)
Although delorians are not known for anything cars are usually famous for like speed and power, the delorian will forever be etched into history as a time machine, if a flux capasitar is added

4) Batmobile (DC)
This car would give yo the opportunity to just let loose across the streets with no body to get in your way, especially if it's the tank of a car from the dark knight series of films

3) Silver surfers board (MARVEL)
Minus some major balance issues flying around pretty much anywhere at break neck speeds with a surfboard, just breaks the boundaries of awesomeness and confusions

2)Ghost rider's bike (MARVEL)
Though it can't fly, it can go really really fast and raise hell at the same time. Although leaving a trail of fire and destruction behind you has it's bad points

1) Millennium falcon (Star Wars)
Don't tell me you didn't see this coming. Not only can the Falcon make the kessel run in under 6 parsects, but it is roomy but not to spacious that you can be lost, also if it comes with a wookie companion, that would only make the deal sweeter (apart from a clear language barrier)

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Friday 14 February 2014

Rant: Complaining

So I was around my Nan and Granddads this afternoon In which i decided to put on some rock channels. Of course my Grand parents being from the older generation were not fans of all this damn rock and roll music. My granddads main complaint was that it all sounded the same, which I can't deny about some songs as they are written in a similar way so that's to be expected.

Later on my grandparents decided to put on a sitcom about musical artists from the 1950's that they liked, first I would like to point out that I like most genres of music. Going back to things lets remember that my granddad said that all the music I listened to was the same, well throughout all 5-8 artists they mentioned every single one of them sounded very similar. Which makes me think that not many people think about what they say or about their complaints.

I think people just generally like to complain about things just as a form of release or just to seem smarter than everyone else, they never really consider that they could like or do the same thing. I'm not saying that I don't complain about things because I do at least twice a week. But I've always tried to better myself to be a more kind, likeable and just generally good person and I don't think enough people try the same, would the world not be better if we all tried to better ourselves.

Well that was my first rant, please respond telling me what you liked and disliked about it so that I can Improve further rants.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Top 10: the begining

So I decided just this second that I would quite to do a whole top ten thing regularly, I'll try to do it weekly, but I can't promise anything.

My first top 10 is... MY TOP TEN FAVOURITE ANIME
10)One piece
Now I know that most people would put One piece as their most favourite but to be honest I haven't seen all of it yet, it was kind of a case of i watched it back when their was only like 200 episodes getting through 100 myself in which I drifted away from it for a bit, of course when I came back to it there was 600 episodes and growing.

As I mentioned in my first post I play card games regularly, the one I Play most Is YU-GI-OH!, I Have been keeping up to date with it ever since I first found it on the television. 5D's is specifically my favourite of the 4 current series, the premise is ridiculous but when it gets down to it it is just pure awesome incarnate.

8) Sword art Online
This was what EVERYBODY got crazy over back in 2012, I guess people like the idea of being in a virtual world, even me (apart from the not being able to log off and the death bit... yeah definitely don't like that very much).

7) Ao No Exorcist
All I really remember feeling for Rin here is respect, what got me about this anime was that he was willing to protect anything, even pigeons, as I'm a vegetarian that touched me in a special way (no not in the dirty way)

6)Dragonball Z
This was a No Brainer for the list as I believe most of the anime fandom have seen this series and know how epic it truly is. It also teaches you too always try your hardest and break through any limit too achieve your goals and happiness.

This anime was simply cool plain and simple, you look me in the eye and say that when you see this anime that you don't want to be a shinigami. As I imagine lots of people have done with their friends me and mine all designed are own Zanpakto and Bankai.

4)Shingeki no Kyojin
The most recent anime on the list this one quite different from the others as instead of the protagonist always winning through perseverance he actually fails a couple of times adding more of a complicated and intricate storyline. Also it is pretty gory at times for those of you who like that kind of thing.

3) Naruto/ Naruto Shippuden

This was the first anime I ever watched (that I realised was an anime) and the first to make me cry, it is filled with deep meanings and can make you attached to a character that a minute ago you hated and thought was a jackass. It also has a great gaming series called Ultimate ninja storm.

2) Fairytail
This is a pretty funny anime to watch, as a friend said "it's mainly fanservice" which I can't disagree with. As well as it being funny it also helps emphasize that you should fight for and live for your friends.

1)Full metal alchemist Brotherhood

This anime is my favourite just because it is only 60 episodes long but it makes you feel so many emotion for the characters and is impossible to hate with it's mixture of comedy seriousness. I specified brotherhood as it runs closer to the manga and i never watched the original anime.

See ya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

The origin

So I imagine a few of you will be wondering "What's up with that name", well I'll tell you.

It all originated more than a year ago now when I first went to a college to study Animal management, one of the people i became friends with was this girl who was using a Pikachu bag for all her stuff, which of course being a Pokemon fan like myself was probably what made me and her friends. Because of her Pikachu bag me and another friend I made there started calling her Pikachu, so because of that we decided to give the rest of us Pokemon themed nicknames, I believe there was a Pikachu, PSYduck, Squirtle and a meowth.

So the PSYduck name ended up sticking for me, I think what made us getting along so well is the mutual love of anime and gaming. I was expecting to find more people who would be more concentrated on work and that where more grown up, but to my amazement they were all still like i have been for the last 10 years, not that I'm complaining.

The almighty bit you say, well that just... sounds better don't you think.

See ya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Getting to know me

As this is my first post on my Blog I thought I would tell you guys a bit about myself.

First off I am a 17 year old male who lives in England.

My main Interests include Gaming, anime and Card games. I play card games quite regularly, at a store every Thursday, It is a really good place to just meet up with friend from Secondary school (or high school to some) that I don't see any more.

I am currently at college doing a course in IT

I spend most of my time watching videos on youtube, mainly Smosh, smosh games and Peeeeewwwwwdiiiieeeeepiiiieeeee!!!

That's all I can really think to say at the moment but stay tuned for what will probably be several rants by me.

See ya soon!
AlmightyPSYduck o.O