Friday 14 February 2014

Rant: Complaining

So I was around my Nan and Granddads this afternoon In which i decided to put on some rock channels. Of course my Grand parents being from the older generation were not fans of all this damn rock and roll music. My granddads main complaint was that it all sounded the same, which I can't deny about some songs as they are written in a similar way so that's to be expected.

Later on my grandparents decided to put on a sitcom about musical artists from the 1950's that they liked, first I would like to point out that I like most genres of music. Going back to things lets remember that my granddad said that all the music I listened to was the same, well throughout all 5-8 artists they mentioned every single one of them sounded very similar. Which makes me think that not many people think about what they say or about their complaints.

I think people just generally like to complain about things just as a form of release or just to seem smarter than everyone else, they never really consider that they could like or do the same thing. I'm not saying that I don't complain about things because I do at least twice a week. But I've always tried to better myself to be a more kind, likeable and just generally good person and I don't think enough people try the same, would the world not be better if we all tried to better ourselves.

Well that was my first rant, please respond telling me what you liked and disliked about it so that I can Improve further rants.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

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