Wednesday 12 February 2014

The origin

So I imagine a few of you will be wondering "What's up with that name", well I'll tell you.

It all originated more than a year ago now when I first went to a college to study Animal management, one of the people i became friends with was this girl who was using a Pikachu bag for all her stuff, which of course being a Pokemon fan like myself was probably what made me and her friends. Because of her Pikachu bag me and another friend I made there started calling her Pikachu, so because of that we decided to give the rest of us Pokemon themed nicknames, I believe there was a Pikachu, PSYduck, Squirtle and a meowth.

So the PSYduck name ended up sticking for me, I think what made us getting along so well is the mutual love of anime and gaming. I was expecting to find more people who would be more concentrated on work and that where more grown up, but to my amazement they were all still like i have been for the last 10 years, not that I'm complaining.

The almighty bit you say, well that just... sounds better don't you think.

See ya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

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