Wednesday 12 February 2014

Top 10: the begining

So I decided just this second that I would quite to do a whole top ten thing regularly, I'll try to do it weekly, but I can't promise anything.

My first top 10 is... MY TOP TEN FAVOURITE ANIME
10)One piece
Now I know that most people would put One piece as their most favourite but to be honest I haven't seen all of it yet, it was kind of a case of i watched it back when their was only like 200 episodes getting through 100 myself in which I drifted away from it for a bit, of course when I came back to it there was 600 episodes and growing.

As I mentioned in my first post I play card games regularly, the one I Play most Is YU-GI-OH!, I Have been keeping up to date with it ever since I first found it on the television. 5D's is specifically my favourite of the 4 current series, the premise is ridiculous but when it gets down to it it is just pure awesome incarnate.

8) Sword art Online
This was what EVERYBODY got crazy over back in 2012, I guess people like the idea of being in a virtual world, even me (apart from the not being able to log off and the death bit... yeah definitely don't like that very much).

7) Ao No Exorcist
All I really remember feeling for Rin here is respect, what got me about this anime was that he was willing to protect anything, even pigeons, as I'm a vegetarian that touched me in a special way (no not in the dirty way)

6)Dragonball Z
This was a No Brainer for the list as I believe most of the anime fandom have seen this series and know how epic it truly is. It also teaches you too always try your hardest and break through any limit too achieve your goals and happiness.

This anime was simply cool plain and simple, you look me in the eye and say that when you see this anime that you don't want to be a shinigami. As I imagine lots of people have done with their friends me and mine all designed are own Zanpakto and Bankai.

4)Shingeki no Kyojin
The most recent anime on the list this one quite different from the others as instead of the protagonist always winning through perseverance he actually fails a couple of times adding more of a complicated and intricate storyline. Also it is pretty gory at times for those of you who like that kind of thing.

3) Naruto/ Naruto Shippuden

This was the first anime I ever watched (that I realised was an anime) and the first to make me cry, it is filled with deep meanings and can make you attached to a character that a minute ago you hated and thought was a jackass. It also has a great gaming series called Ultimate ninja storm.

2) Fairytail
This is a pretty funny anime to watch, as a friend said "it's mainly fanservice" which I can't disagree with. As well as it being funny it also helps emphasize that you should fight for and live for your friends.

1)Full metal alchemist Brotherhood

This anime is my favourite just because it is only 60 episodes long but it makes you feel so many emotion for the characters and is impossible to hate with it's mixture of comedy seriousness. I specified brotherhood as it runs closer to the manga and i never watched the original anime.

See ya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

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