Friday 28 March 2014

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you

So earlier today I was with some friends and we were talking about different anime girls that we would date, we would come up with an anime and we had to all choose a different one.

I know that is not exactly the coolest thing to do but I like to get to know people more, this may seem unbelievable because I'm the most socially awkward person I know. Its good to get to know some of your friends preferences and what they like, sometimes they might surprise you such as liking the same as you or liking something completely different. You may even find something out about yourself, I mean earlier I kinda of found out that I may have a thing for little sisters (not in a pedophilic way), just that with all the questions we asked I generally went for the characters who were the little sister, for example Ruby (RWBY) and Lisanna (fairytail). I dunno it could just be a coincidence.
Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Weekly Top 10: female anime characters

As I did my favourite male characters last week its female this week.

10) Oriheme (Bleach)
I know that most fans of bleach seem to think of Oriheme the same way as Naruto fans think of Sakura, useless. What we have to remember is that Oriheme actually did some to try and help her friends (going with the espada) were as Sakura hindered Naruto with the task of getting Sasuke back. Oriheme is also a really really nice person (By the way I actually like Sakura I was just making a point)

9) Akiza (YU-GI-OH!)
What makes Akiza cool is mainly because she's a top rate duelist which is one of the things I like in a woman, she also look slike a total badass yet when you get to know her she is really kind.

8) Sera (Haganai)
What I like about Sera here is that she is quite a relatable person, at least to me, she is bad in social situations and spends most of her time playing video games, thats basically me... except the girl part.

7)  C2 (Code Geass)
Imagine if you had C2 as your girlfriend, Firstly she can give you bad-ass powers, secondly she can't die so theres no need to worry in that department and thirdly...well... lets say she's not that bad to look at either.

6) Mei Terumi (Naruto Shippuden)
What I like about Mei is that she is has the heighest possible position in the hidden mist village yet she has kept her kindness and happiness, but you might want to avoid her kisses, It'll make you "melt".

5)  Android 18 (Dragonball Z)
Consider the strength of Frieza, able to destroy planets and cause mass genocide yet was beaten by a Super saiyan Goku, 18 here can beat several of the Z fighters including Vegeta when they have had 2 years of intense training after the whole Frieza incident, what can I say all rose's have their thorns.

4) Yui (K-on!)
I find Yui hilarious and once again a very relatable character in the terms of laziness, but you have got to respect her ability to master things quickly (even if she doesn't know what she is doing).

3) Rias Gremory (Highschool DxD)
Another girl who can give you awesome powers Rias is both a beauty, a powerhouse and nice when you get to know her. I can't Imagine any guy not wanting her (guys that are interested in girls that is).

2) Mikasa (Attack on titan)
One of the games I have played with my friends in the past is the attack on titan tribute game ( and i would always play as Mikasa, why you ask?, because she is a pure badass, she is pretty much the only character that hasn't shown fear when facing a titan and doesn't die like...well everyone.

1) Erza Scarlett (Fairytail)
Other fairytail fans will understand this. Erza has shown how bad-ass she is time and time again (pandemonium as a main example), she was also originally portrayed as a scary giant but it was soon found out that she was a very friendly person and generally nice to be around, she was still the peace keeper however.

It was really hard not to mention the hotness of these characters.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Top 10: Male Anime Characters

This weeks top 10 goes away from the recent star wars theme and focuses on one of my other loves anime, Ill do a list for my favourite female anime characters some other time.

10) Lelouch Vi Britania (Code Geass)
Who wouldn't want to have the power to make people do what ever you wanted. Lelouch is awesome because i think if most people got his power they would probably use it to play tricks on other people were as Lelouch decided straight away that he would take down the worlds biggest empire and that takes balls. He is also a great strategist and a genius, what I also like about the show is that Lelouch doesn't always win and is actually affected by the emotional crisis of those around him (unlike a certain someone from deathnote)

9) Levi (Attack on Titan)
This guy is awesome because of his pure skill and capability to take down creatures much much bigger than he is, he even has a higher success rate than Eren who can fight on equal terms with titans rather than at a disadvantage. What makes his character interesting though is that he is also a cleanliness freak which brings into question why he goes about spilling blood.

8) L (Death Note)
You have gotta respect a guy who never really go's outside, has really bad posture and doesnt really look after his looks yet some how all the girls seem to swoon over him (real life girls anyway), he is also a genius at everything and if you ask me I really didn't like N.

7) Rin Okumaru (Blue Exorcist)
When your father is Satan but you were bought up by an important priest it's got to be hard to choose what side to be on, but Rin knows what side to pick and always does what is right and fair for at least most people, he also has that kick ass sword of his.

6) Toshiro Hitsugaya (Bleach)
The youngest captain of the Gotei 13, Toshiro has already proven to be one of the strongest of his piers and will only continue to grow in strength, he also knows what to fight for even if he rushes into things without thinking a couple of times.

5) Greed (Full metal alchemist Brotherhood)
I don't actually quite know why I like this guy, all I know is that as soon as he got his new body he instantly became my favourite of the series, he contradicts what he was born to be and helps other when necessary.

4) Teen Gohan (Dragonball Z)
 In a matter of days Gohan managed to go from one of the weakest of the Z fighters to being briefly stronger than his own father, he's one of the few fictional characters who's power comes from their anger and knows how to use it at the same time, lets just say cell was an idiot for trying to provoke him.

3) Issei Ishida
Now I've seen alot of anime like Highschool DXD and in most of those the male protagonist would always be week and saved by the girls constantly, not Issei though, ok he was originally but it wasn't long before he became the most powerful character fighting for what is right and his inner desires OPPAI!!!

2) Gajeel Redfox (Fairytail)
Gajeel is the true avatar of retribution, he was eventually accepted by the guild he was ordered to destroy, turning quickly from an evil henchmen to a bad-ass hero, also did I mention he's a iron dragon slayer.

1) Nagato (Naruto Shippuden)
Naruto is one of the anime's that has affected my morales the most, but in particular Nagato. Ever since he explained the cycle of revenge I have done my best to refrain from any acts of vengeance. He truly desired peace and was mislead, but the thing is that he knew the peace he was looking for was not true peace but he believed it was the best option. He also posses the Rinnegan which gives him six sets of badass powers and increases his mastery in other Jutsu. To show the true nature of his character he resurrected all those he had recentely killed, what a great guy... well Kinda.

Seeya Soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Top 10: Those who follow the dark side

To carry on with the star wars theme this weeks top 10 is going to be my top 10 favourite sith. It's best to say that I don't believe all the people on this list were official sith but may have though to of been.

10) Darth Pleguies the Wise
This guy was considered so In depth with the dark side that he was able to heal others from great wounds. He was also Darth Sidious' Master up to the point were Sidious killed him to become the master of the sith for himself.

9) Assaj Ventress
Though not technically a sith because of the sith's rule of two (After the great war and the fall of the sith they decided it was best to have two extremely well trained sith rather than hundreds of not as well trained sith), she was used as an assasin by count dooku and was first shown in the samurai Jack styled clone wars series, though she inexplicably died on her first mission, gotta love the duel Dooku blades though.

8) Naga Sadow
One of the original sith back when their focus was less on Lightsaber skiils and more on Sith sorcery and alchemy, this guy proved that with extensive concentration He could destroy an entire sun with the force, so you don't want to mess with him (if you give him a lot of time to exact his revenge).

7) Exar Kuun
Another older sith lord though not as old as Naga Sadow, Exar Kuun although not considered by all as a sith was corrupted by the dark side and showed that he is a master of illusions and deception, plus he took a while to properly defeat him even after death.

6) Darth Tyranus
Known to most as Count Dooku his name literally means tyrant in Latin. His Old age is made up for with his extensive knowledge of the light and dark side of the force and is graceful lightsaber skills which could almost match Yoda's, his lightsaber is even designed to be curved so to improve his ability in form 2 of lightsaber combat.

5) Darth Sidious
 Like Yoda Palpatine was generally considered to only be good at using the force but manage to show people the true fruits of their training by simply kicking ass and slaying 3 jedi masters in a matter of seconds. What also makes Sidious even more powerful is that he is essentially the embodiment of the darkside, this is due to the sith rule of two thing i mentioned earlier, this is when the master of the two sith would teach everything he knew to an apprentice and when the master died the apprentice would become the master and find his own apprentice to hand down his teachings and so on, this lead to sidious knowing hundreds of years worth of dark side teachings.

4) Revan
Seen to many as more of a hero than a villain Revan Had aspects from both sides of the force to make him a really cool and likeable character, the light side made him fight for what is right and his reckless nature made sure that he wouldn't be held down by the councils decisions, if him and malek hadn't step in on the mandalorion wars then who knows what would have happened.

3) Darth Vader
If you don't know who this guy is then you simply put not worthy of owning a brain, yes its the original dark lord of the sith who shows us even the most cruel and mechanical characters can have a heart of gold, its also good to remember that he was foretold as the chosen one and was the one to technically finish of sidious.

2) StarKiller
Yes its Galen Marik again in all his unleashed glory, its best to remember that he was pwerful enough to take down vader and fight the emporer to a standstill and who can't apreciate his unorthodox lightsaber style. Although because of the rule of two thing again he was not technically a sith.

1) Darth Maul
One of the only things good to come out of the phantom menace, Maul astounded all with his slick moves, brutal nature and DOUBLE ENDED LIGHTSABER. Maul is another on our list to not technically be a sith at least I don't think he was for a long time as Sidious took him under his wing while he was still an apprentice himself. Besides from that you can't deny how awesomely cool Maul is without a doubt.

Seeya Soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Sunday 9 March 2014

Great fan of Star Wars

Recently I have gotten into my Bi monthly Star wars hype, were every 2 months I spend 2 weeks thinking about nothing but Star wars. Contrary to popular opinion and bear with me on this... I like the prequel trilogy, and ussually I don't like film series past the 4th movie or sometimes even the 2nd movie but something about Star wars I just can't hate or even slightly dislike.

I mean sure Jar Jar Binks has never been liked by any body for even a second but that's one part of a large film and you can't not admit that Darth Maul and Qui gonn weren't awesome.

One of my favourite things about star wars is the expanded Universe, I just like being able to delve into the history of something as to find out the secrets and different beliefs, the prequel trilogy helped to answer certain questions that were left by the original trilogy.
The phantom menace showed us when the sith threat returned and how they found anakin, attack of the clones showed us the beginning of the clone wars and anakins decent to the dark side were as Revenge of the sith showed us how the empire rose, what happened to all the jedi and how anakin became more machine than man.

Though in most respects I prefer the original trilogy the prequels were the first episodes I properly watched as a kid so will hold a place in my heart

I just really bloody love STAR WARS!

Seeya soon
Almight PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Top 10: Masters of the light side

This time I'm keeping with the Sci-fi but closer to religion than electronics with my top ten Jedi from the star wars franchise.

10) Shaak ti
This one is on my list for her role in the force unleashed, she is one of the only Jedi to have survived order 66, she was even originally planned to die in episode 3 at the hands of grievous. After order 66 she went to Felucia in which she managed to befriend a slightly force sensitive race which to most was hostile, so props to that.

9) Aayla Secura
Some times depicted with an extra green lightsaber this Twi'lek was almost kicked out of the Jedi order for going to near to the darkside, I also like her because I seem to have a thing for Twi'leks, that's not strange right guys....guys?

8) Anakin Skywalker
Another Jedi who strayed close tot he darkside, well not just strayed but went full on to become a Sith (spoilers), this guy is awesome for his different aproach on things, action over negotiation seems to be the theme.

7) Obi-wan Kenobi
Kenobi is one of the best characters morally I think, He has been trained by Qui-gon and Yoda and I imagine he picked up a couple of things when he was teaching Anakin which made him go for some more unorthodox methods, he also gained the title Negotiator for his deeds during the clone wars (basically being a smart-ass to separatists).

6) Yoda
Of course this guy is on the list, we knew he was strong in the force when he lifted the x-wing with ease in his old age and then we got a taste of his sweet sabre skills to when he thrashed Dooku, small and old yet powerful and agile.

5) Rahm Kota
This guy is probably on my list because he's alot like a samurai, seriously look at his lightsaber hilt close up on google or something it looks just like a katana hilt. Also he was smart enough to use his attack force rather than the clones which saved his life when it cam to order 66.

4) Marek \Galen
Most of used may know him as Star killer or the apprentice and yes I am just referring to him when he was briefly a Jedi, although he was at first on a mission from Vader he eventually saw the light and strove to start the rebel alliance which use his family crest as the rebellion symbol.

3) Mace Windu
Not only is he the creator of the form of lightsaber combat known as Vaapad but he is, essentially when it comes down to basics, the "mac-daddy of the Jedi order".

2) Qui-gon Jin
Seen as one of the only good things to come out of episode 1 (other than maul and his double ended lightsaber). He was a wise Jedi who was skilled in the force, but also disobeyed the council enough to be one of the few Jedi badboys that there were, the only one to stay on the light side (maybe because he died but who knows)

1) Luke Skywalker
Mainly talking about episode 6 Luke when he had finished his training, this is exactely how I would personaly dress if i were a Jedi, green blade and all. Now lets do some research, Luke beat Vader in combat, Know by my reckoning Vader had jut under 40 years training and experience in which he has been taught by both the light and the dark, Were as Luke had 4 years training, in which only a year of that was proper training, meaning that luke is such a bad ass that he doesn't need experience to beat the strongest Sith ether to live who also happens to be the chosen one.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O