Sunday 9 March 2014

Great fan of Star Wars

Recently I have gotten into my Bi monthly Star wars hype, were every 2 months I spend 2 weeks thinking about nothing but Star wars. Contrary to popular opinion and bear with me on this... I like the prequel trilogy, and ussually I don't like film series past the 4th movie or sometimes even the 2nd movie but something about Star wars I just can't hate or even slightly dislike.

I mean sure Jar Jar Binks has never been liked by any body for even a second but that's one part of a large film and you can't not admit that Darth Maul and Qui gonn weren't awesome.

One of my favourite things about star wars is the expanded Universe, I just like being able to delve into the history of something as to find out the secrets and different beliefs, the prequel trilogy helped to answer certain questions that were left by the original trilogy.
The phantom menace showed us when the sith threat returned and how they found anakin, attack of the clones showed us the beginning of the clone wars and anakins decent to the dark side were as Revenge of the sith showed us how the empire rose, what happened to all the jedi and how anakin became more machine than man.

Though in most respects I prefer the original trilogy the prequels were the first episodes I properly watched as a kid so will hold a place in my heart

I just really bloody love STAR WARS!

Seeya soon
Almight PSYduck o.O

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