Wednesday 12 March 2014

Top 10: Those who follow the dark side

To carry on with the star wars theme this weeks top 10 is going to be my top 10 favourite sith. It's best to say that I don't believe all the people on this list were official sith but may have though to of been.

10) Darth Pleguies the Wise
This guy was considered so In depth with the dark side that he was able to heal others from great wounds. He was also Darth Sidious' Master up to the point were Sidious killed him to become the master of the sith for himself.

9) Assaj Ventress
Though not technically a sith because of the sith's rule of two (After the great war and the fall of the sith they decided it was best to have two extremely well trained sith rather than hundreds of not as well trained sith), she was used as an assasin by count dooku and was first shown in the samurai Jack styled clone wars series, though she inexplicably died on her first mission, gotta love the duel Dooku blades though.

8) Naga Sadow
One of the original sith back when their focus was less on Lightsaber skiils and more on Sith sorcery and alchemy, this guy proved that with extensive concentration He could destroy an entire sun with the force, so you don't want to mess with him (if you give him a lot of time to exact his revenge).

7) Exar Kuun
Another older sith lord though not as old as Naga Sadow, Exar Kuun although not considered by all as a sith was corrupted by the dark side and showed that he is a master of illusions and deception, plus he took a while to properly defeat him even after death.

6) Darth Tyranus
Known to most as Count Dooku his name literally means tyrant in Latin. His Old age is made up for with his extensive knowledge of the light and dark side of the force and is graceful lightsaber skills which could almost match Yoda's, his lightsaber is even designed to be curved so to improve his ability in form 2 of lightsaber combat.

5) Darth Sidious
 Like Yoda Palpatine was generally considered to only be good at using the force but manage to show people the true fruits of their training by simply kicking ass and slaying 3 jedi masters in a matter of seconds. What also makes Sidious even more powerful is that he is essentially the embodiment of the darkside, this is due to the sith rule of two thing i mentioned earlier, this is when the master of the two sith would teach everything he knew to an apprentice and when the master died the apprentice would become the master and find his own apprentice to hand down his teachings and so on, this lead to sidious knowing hundreds of years worth of dark side teachings.

4) Revan
Seen to many as more of a hero than a villain Revan Had aspects from both sides of the force to make him a really cool and likeable character, the light side made him fight for what is right and his reckless nature made sure that he wouldn't be held down by the councils decisions, if him and malek hadn't step in on the mandalorion wars then who knows what would have happened.

3) Darth Vader
If you don't know who this guy is then you simply put not worthy of owning a brain, yes its the original dark lord of the sith who shows us even the most cruel and mechanical characters can have a heart of gold, its also good to remember that he was foretold as the chosen one and was the one to technically finish of sidious.

2) StarKiller
Yes its Galen Marik again in all his unleashed glory, its best to remember that he was pwerful enough to take down vader and fight the emporer to a standstill and who can't apreciate his unorthodox lightsaber style. Although because of the rule of two thing again he was not technically a sith.

1) Darth Maul
One of the only things good to come out of the phantom menace, Maul astounded all with his slick moves, brutal nature and DOUBLE ENDED LIGHTSABER. Maul is another on our list to not technically be a sith at least I don't think he was for a long time as Sidious took him under his wing while he was still an apprentice himself. Besides from that you can't deny how awesomely cool Maul is without a doubt.

Seeya Soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

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