Wednesday 30 April 2014

Weekly Top 10: Lightsaber duels

In accordance with the upcoming star wars day on May 4th I will be doing a star wars themed top 10 both this week and next week. This week is my favourite Lightsaber duels from both the films and game trailers.

10) Ben Kenobi Vs Darth Vader (Episode IV)
The first lightsaber duel of them all. After the prequel came out it changed the mood of this fight as it became a fight between ex friends who were once as close as two war buddies can be, it also showcases the force transcendence mid fight.

9) Luke Skywalker Vs Darth Vader (Epidode VI)
Although the fight itself was not very well choreographed, it helped to illustrate how strong Luke had become, In just a year he became stronger than a force anomaly with 30 years more experience than him. It also shows that inside that dark armour is a good father after all, well not really but you know.

8) Kenobi and Skywalker Vs Dooku (Episode III)
 This is another duel which shows you how far a mere padawan has come, not only in his training but towards the dark side as well. I'm going to illustrate something I don't understand Anakin see's Mace as evil for trying to kill Palpatine but when Palpatine suggests to behead Dooku who was a pawn in Sidious' evil plan he's less bothered by it, wha...why?

7) Dooku Vs Yoda (Episode II)
Originally Yoda was believed to just be good at the force and virtually useless when it came to combat, that was quickly broken when he engaged Dooku showing of his true mastery of the Ataru form jumping and leaping about at a quick pace.

6) Darth Malgus in the retaking of Korriban (Star Wars The Old Republic Return trailer)
Recently I have really come to like Malgus mainly because he is just naturally cool. During the retaking he managed to easily dominate the future grandmaster and even killed her master with relative ease, what is most shocking about this is that he was still an aprentice. His master demise at this event changed that however.

5) Obi-wan Vs Grevious (Episode III)
The General showed us that you don't need to be a Jedi, Sith or even force sensitive to be a master lightsaber duellist, although the lightsaber combat wasn't that long four lightsabers is pretty cool.

4) Mace Windu Vs Palpatine (Episode III)
The best thing about this duel is that it was the greatest duellists from both sides against each other. Because of Windus Vaapad he was feeding off of Palpatines dark side energy making it possible for the match to go on forever if it wern't interpupted by Palpatines ploy to get Anakin to turn.

3) Luke Skywalker Vs Darth Vader (Episode V)
The most Iconic fight in the franchise for obvious reasons. You kind of feel sorry for Vader if you think about it, he eventually works up the courage and tells his son who he is and asks him to live with him, what does Luke do, he refuses to except it and runs (falls) off, Vader must have felt very sad after that.

2) Obi-Wan vs Anakin (Episode III)
This fight is sad in the sense in that their brotherhood has fallen, clearly shown by Kenobi's words of sadness and propably a sense of failure. It also shows how Anakin had truly fallen to the point he would attack his best friend. As a plus note it proves my theory that the overall defence style of Soresu Trumps the brute force style of Djem so.

1) Darth Maul Vs Qui-gon and Obi-wan (Episode I)
 This is what Episode one did right. It was the first duel to be properly choreographed and proudly demostrates the siths power to take down a master and overpower his aprentice, although Maul was killed by Obi-wan that was through Mauls greatest weakness, overconfidence. Also Duel of fates is h=just the best movie song thing ever.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

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