Wednesday 16 April 2014

Weekly Top 10: DC Heroes

As the title imply s this weeks top 10 will be about my favourite DC super heroes.

10) Raven
  Raven is most famous from the original Teen titans cartoon and for good reason, she related to most youngsters through her anti social attitude but with a kind heart underneath, she is also pretty hot, unless your talking about the Injustice raven.

9) Conner Kent
A young clone of superman Conner was taken in by Superman, although he doesn't have all of superman's powers he is still able to kick ass and brings along some good stories.

8) Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Batman is probably the most liked hero of them all, his dark and brooding attitude makes him as cool as can be although I do have complaints about his fan base as saying that he is batman does not provide sufficient proof of why he would win a fight.

7) Superman (Clark Kent or Kal-El)
The most ridiculously powered of all Super heroes, however he is the best person to have that level of power as he wouldn't never harm the innocent and constantly has with hold his true power so that he doesn't destroy buildings (contrary to what happens in man of steel).

6) Zatana (Zatana Zatara)
I generally consider this to be what some may call their waifu, her magic is anything she says backwards which you have to admit is pretty badass, you could just be like "ekac" and boom youv'e got a meal.

5) Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
The original robin Grayson had had enough  of not getting the credit and decided to leave batman and fight crime on his own, it turns out he does a lot better without Batmans supervision and looks much more badass.

4) Flash (Barry Allen)
Most people think all this guy can do is run fast, he can do much more than that my friend, he can vibrate his molecules so he can pass through things or other things pass through him and he has even shown the capability to vibrate someone elses molecules across space.

3) Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Who wouldn't like the power to create virtually anything in a green light form. Although the movie does him no justice Hal jordans cocky attitude and ability to overcome fear makes for some thrilling story lines.

2) Shazam/Captain Marvel (Billy Batson)
Propobaly one of the easiest secret identities to keep. One minute Billy is a harmless little kid and next a bolt of lightning strikes down and he's a powerful adult who can rival superman in power. This is the power I would choose out of any other just so I could shout SHAZAM! and for it to actually work.

1) Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
What i love about green arrow is just his pure wit, he just makes every situation funny with his sarcastic wit, he also manages to keep up with the rest of the justice league and can even get some of the jobs done faster on his own. I'm also a fan of traditional weapons

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

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