Saturday 26 April 2014

Super Showdown: Deadpool Vs Deathstroke

Yes It's me again for another post in the same day. This week I will be pitting Wade verses Slade, The merc with a mouth Deadpool Vs the Expert assassin Deathstroke.

I will be examining their Physical ability, mental status, tactics, equipment and abilities.

Physical Ability and Martial Prowess
Deadpool is in peek physical condition for a man of his age minus some scarring caused by aggressive cancer, he was trained in the military and has been a mercenary for a number of years since making also well trained when it comes to combat. During the weapon X program Deadpool opted to be experimented on to gain the same regenerative powers as wolverine, it was originally believed to be a failure but turned out to work it just needed a bit of time to kick in, because of his power he can take a lot more punishment than the average soldier and his muscles are able to sustain more therefore making him stronger as well. He is also a master in several forms of unarmed combat arts and knows how to utilise several different types of weapons with precision.

Deathstroke is also at the top of his physical prime for someone his age, however it is best to note he is around 50 years old and although his ageing is slowed you can tell his body is still past its prime, his ageing is slowed because of a military enhancement experiment that was performed onto him increasing his strength, reflexes and endurance greatly, he was also given regenerative powers though they are not as advanced as Deadpools. Deathstroke is well trained in both armed an unarmed combat, with his experience over the years he has polished all his techniques to a fine point.

In conclusion I'm going to have to give Deadpool the edge for this factor as Because of his younger age he will be stronger than Deathstroke  and is able to take much more punishment, it is a close one though as Deathstrokes advanced fighting skills make him more of a danger than is let on.

Mental Status
Because of the Weapon X program Deadpool received severe mental damage and has never been the same since. He often talks to the reader and two voices inside of his head. He constantly shows his lack of focus and unpredictability. This does not mean that he is not smart however as he has thought of some creative ideas before.

Instead of losing his mind from experiments Deathstokes became highly advanced. He is able to think 9 times faster making him amazingly efficient while under pressure and can find an opponents weakness with ease  and exploiting it to the full. He is however a bit arrogant at times.

I am going to have to give the edge here to Deathroke for obvious reasons as Deadpool is clearly not sane While Slade thinks more logically.

Equipment and abilities
Wade is riddled with a number of weaponry, the main one's being dual katana, dual pistols, dual sai and a teleporter. Because of his choice of mainly dual wielding weapons he gives the advantage of more attacks being put in therefore more of a chance to hit, however he does sacrifice some things such strength for the katana and aim for the pistols. The teleporter combined with Wade's unpredictable insanity proves to be a deadly asset on the battlefield as the opponent can not accurately predict where he will pop up next or what he will do when he does pop up. Abilities wise  Deadpool has his regenerative abilities which allow him to heal from every wound he has gotten to so far, he has even survived getting his head chopped off and being punched into smithereens by a super angry Hulk.

Slade also has a number of weaponry, most notably his Prometheum sword, dual pistols and machine gun. Because of his sword prometheum material it can absorb large amounts of energy and also isn't to bad at cutting things up either. He also wears body armour opposed to Deadpools skin tight suit, his body armour is very durable to conventional injury's. Deathstroke has Regenerative powers as well making him able to endure strenuous punishment although he can not survive death because of this.

The edge here is going to Deapool mainly because of his healing factor beinf superior and the fact that all of Deadpools weapons help weaponise his unpredictable nature massively.

Deadpool doesn't really use tactics but his unpredictable nature kind of counts as one. Because of his sanity combatants tend to struggle keeping up with Deapool. His style also has it's drawbacks however as he will often get distracted and loose focus or just rush in and attack, it's very fifty fifty when it comes to Deadpools approach.

Deathsrokes approach is a lot more thought out because of his advanced thinking skills and experience, Slade will come up with the best tactic to deal with what he is facing using whatever he can to do it. he is also not as destracted as Wade therefore he will give more in that respect.

For the category I will give the edge to Deathstroke, although Deadpool is unpredictable it is to risky for my liking and he isn't focused enough to emply anything he may think off with efficiency.

Final Decision
At the end of the day this was quite a difficult match to decide between but I have come up with my verdict. The winner is DEADPOOL.

The Reasons for this being that because of Deadpools more youthful body he can out perform Deathstroke in many ways and his regenerative abilities make it so he can take much much more than Deathstroke could even dream of. Although Slade has got the superior tactics and mental ability theres not much he can do against somebody who will just shrug it off and plus Wades insanity does have the possibility of working out on his part, also their martial abilitys were pretty similar although Deathstroke did have more experience.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

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