Tuesday 20 May 2014

Migrating north

I don't know whether I have any fans or regular followers outside my friend group or not, but this post is here to tell you that I am moving my blog to Tumblr as I believe that it is probably a superior site for blogging.

The link for the site is https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mightypsyduck

I Hope you will enjoy my future posts even on a change of platform.

Seeya soon Almighty PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Weekly Top 10: Imperium of man and their enemies

I don't think iv'e mentioned this but I am a big fan of Warhammer 40K, it's been a while since I last played but I am getting back into it, the background and stories from the 41st millennium are just awesome. This will be my ten favourite 40K races/ species/ armies etc.

 10) Orks
Infamous for their bad grammar and unrefined technology the Orks kick of the list. The thing I like about the Orks is the fact that their is enough of them to obliterate half the universe, but instead they fight who ever comes in front of them even if that enemy is each other, I guess it's lucky that Orks are as Stupid as all hell. WAAAAAAGH!!!

9) Sisters of battle/ Witch hunters
The Sisters of battle make up for the lack of females in other armies and the imperium of man, as a good 99 percent of their forces are female as implied by the name. It appears that their speciality is flame weopons which goes with the name witch hunter quite well.

8)  Tyranids
These guys came out of nowhere, they literally just swarmed in and started eating everything that had flesh. They all work under the same Hive mind controlling their every terrifying move, they can either swarm you or crush you with their Tyrants and carnifexes. It's a pretty nasty way to go being eaten by a tyranid if your not blasted by their bio-weapons.

7) Eldar
Although they caused their own downfall with the birth of the chaos god slaneesh, they have learnt their lesson and dedicate their lives to becoming pure of mind and sin to avoid being swallowed by chaos minions. They used to be the biggest empire ether to walk across the stars.

6) Imperial Guard
The Imperial guard are not in unison as the other armies available as their tactics usually include swarming the enemy with so much manpower that it doesn't matter if you lose some soldiers or blasting the holy hell out of anyone with their basilisks and baneblades. I believe that they have had their names changed to the astra militarum, these are the remnants of man kind  and are some of the best defenders their is.

5) Tau empire
They do not wish to kill or feast (well.. maybe the kroots do), all they truelly want is peace, which is pretty weird in this universe. I would say that their technology looks the most advanced, it isn't but it's still better than the Orks tech. I suppose its the fact that they pursue harmony is what I like about them.

4) Grey Knights/ Demon hunters
Basically the Paladins of the Imperium, If the Witch hunters ignite flames, the Grey knights extinguish the flames of chaos as their name clearly states. All but one of the Grey Knight models is completely bad ass in all forms, what they lack in numbers they make up for in power, also every member is basically a Psyker (psychic).

3) Chaos Space marines
 During the Horus heresy many of the revered space marine chapters left the emperors side and Joined the chaos gods in an attack to wipe out the Imperium, although it ultimately failed. space marines are cool enough as it is so if you give them demon powers, well lets say blood will be spilt. Whether its Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle or Slaneesh they always bring something to the table (get it).

2) Dark angels
The first space marine chapter to be founded, the Dark angels are steeped in Mystery and have been given the nickname the unforgiven. They also have their own specialist forces called the ravenwing and deathwing, when you consider that space marines are already specialist units, those guys have to be badass.

1) Dark Eldar
 Finally my top 40K Army is the evil more sinister versions of the Eldar. The Dark Eldar don't fight for peace, conquest or anything like that, just because they like to, the Orks also fight because they like it but the dark Eldar still have a different way of doing things, they enjoy displaying their dominance and watching the pain and suffering of others as their hope slowly fades away from their dismembered bodies. The dark Eldar are also one of the most technologically advanced races, with tank busting weapons such as the haywire grenades or the dark/void lance or the beast slaying poisoned weapons carried by the normal infantry. These guys did not learn from the fall of the Eldar either in fact they carried on with their sins and saw the Eldar gods as week for dying in such a way.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Weekly Top 10: Favourite Star wars characters (In general)

I realise this is really late but I just forgot OK. Anyway this weeks Top 10 is continuing with the star wars theme (as you can tell I'm a massive fan). When I mean favourite character In general I mean that they are not necessarily Jedi or Sith. It is also best to note that since my last star wars top 10 my opinions of certain characters have changed.

10) Han Solo
Solo was instantly one of the fan favourites and was the role which started off Harrison Fords movie career. Other than Piloting this guy has no special skills, but still manages to kick Imperial ass when it is needed. #Hanshotfirst ...Kidding I don't do Hash tags.

9) Darth Vader
I would be willing to bet that Vader is the most recognisable character out their, if not maybe top 10. As badass as Vader is I have to question something, Why is he refereed to as the dark lord of the Sith? Is that title not applied to the master, therefore Sidious. I am also convinced that he would have made a good father if Luke had gone with him willingly.

8) Mara- Jade
The wife to Luke Skywalker, Mara-Jade was originally an imperial agent but after meeting luke would go on to be an esteemed Jedi. I really hope that the rumors are not true, I want Mara-Jade to be in the New Star wars films, they could have been creative and worked the new films around the expanded universe while not using some EU story, you don't just discard the expanded universe ok, that's how you get fanbases angry.

7) Mace Windu
It's hard to get more badass than Master Windu over here. He was the greatest duelist during the clone wars era and his force abilities were not half bad either. He also looked at the seventh form of lightsaber combat, juyo and said I can do better, so he just made his own making up for several of juyos flaws.

6) Darth Maul
Maul is able to take on two of the Jedi Orders greatest duelists (granted one was still of padawan rank) and kill one with some ease, It was only his cockiness that made him lose, without it the Star wars Universe will be very different. Saberstaffs are also My weopon of choice for its incresed defence and option for powerful swings of the lightsaber.

5) Boba Fett
Another Instant fan favourite although when you think back he didn't do much in the movies but be knocked into the sarlaac. I wouldn't really say that either him or his dad convey the general feel of mandalorions but they have their own nice spin to it which makes them nothing but likeable.

4) Obi-Wan Kenobi
Out of the all the Jedi before the Jedi purge (Order 66) Kenobi did the most to take down the sith and C.I.S. He defeated Maul, Grevious and a young Vader which were all master duelists, not to mention he is basically the epiphany of what the Jedi believe in, it is his second nature to act as a Jedi should, under pressure Anakin gets angry, when Kenpbi was losing to maul he focused and won the day.

3) Galen Marek
Just when you though Starkiller was badass enough with his reverse grip, turns out his greatest strength wasn't his combat prowesss but instead it was the force, I mean come on he pulled a star destroyer to the ground while it was in mid flight, not to mention he was put to a standstill against the emporers lightning.

2) Luke Skywalker
Another amazing force user, Luke can't pull a star destroyer out of the sky but he can destro entire armies on his lonesome. As I have mentioned before Luke has very little Jedi training compared to most yet he is able to take down one of the strongest sith lords ether known with not much struggle when he actually attempted to win.

1) Darth Malgus
Now recently I have gotten really into playing the Old republic and the trailers exhibit Malgus' amazing strength. From a acolyte he was taking down Jedi masters and continued to wreap chavok across the galactic republic. What I like about his fighting style aswell is that He clearly uses the strong blows of Shien which would ussually lack mobility but Malgus seems to somehow still be very agile while using it making up for his major weakness.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Weekly Top 10: Lightsaber duels

In accordance with the upcoming star wars day on May 4th I will be doing a star wars themed top 10 both this week and next week. This week is my favourite Lightsaber duels from both the films and game trailers.

10) Ben Kenobi Vs Darth Vader (Episode IV)
The first lightsaber duel of them all. After the prequel came out it changed the mood of this fight as it became a fight between ex friends who were once as close as two war buddies can be, it also showcases the force transcendence mid fight.

9) Luke Skywalker Vs Darth Vader (Epidode VI)
Although the fight itself was not very well choreographed, it helped to illustrate how strong Luke had become, In just a year he became stronger than a force anomaly with 30 years more experience than him. It also shows that inside that dark armour is a good father after all, well not really but you know.

8) Kenobi and Skywalker Vs Dooku (Episode III)
 This is another duel which shows you how far a mere padawan has come, not only in his training but towards the dark side as well. I'm going to illustrate something I don't understand Anakin see's Mace as evil for trying to kill Palpatine but when Palpatine suggests to behead Dooku who was a pawn in Sidious' evil plan he's less bothered by it, wha...why?

7) Dooku Vs Yoda (Episode II)
Originally Yoda was believed to just be good at the force and virtually useless when it came to combat, that was quickly broken when he engaged Dooku showing of his true mastery of the Ataru form jumping and leaping about at a quick pace.

6) Darth Malgus in the retaking of Korriban (Star Wars The Old Republic Return trailer)
Recently I have really come to like Malgus mainly because he is just naturally cool. During the retaking he managed to easily dominate the future grandmaster and even killed her master with relative ease, what is most shocking about this is that he was still an aprentice. His master demise at this event changed that however.

5) Obi-wan Vs Grevious (Episode III)
The General showed us that you don't need to be a Jedi, Sith or even force sensitive to be a master lightsaber duellist, although the lightsaber combat wasn't that long four lightsabers is pretty cool.

4) Mace Windu Vs Palpatine (Episode III)
The best thing about this duel is that it was the greatest duellists from both sides against each other. Because of Windus Vaapad he was feeding off of Palpatines dark side energy making it possible for the match to go on forever if it wern't interpupted by Palpatines ploy to get Anakin to turn.

3) Luke Skywalker Vs Darth Vader (Episode V)
The most Iconic fight in the franchise for obvious reasons. You kind of feel sorry for Vader if you think about it, he eventually works up the courage and tells his son who he is and asks him to live with him, what does Luke do, he refuses to except it and runs (falls) off, Vader must have felt very sad after that.

2) Obi-Wan vs Anakin (Episode III)
This fight is sad in the sense in that their brotherhood has fallen, clearly shown by Kenobi's words of sadness and propably a sense of failure. It also shows how Anakin had truly fallen to the point he would attack his best friend. As a plus note it proves my theory that the overall defence style of Soresu Trumps the brute force style of Djem so.

1) Darth Maul Vs Qui-gon and Obi-wan (Episode I)
 This is what Episode one did right. It was the first duel to be properly choreographed and proudly demostrates the siths power to take down a master and overpower his aprentice, although Maul was killed by Obi-wan that was through Mauls greatest weakness, overconfidence. Also Duel of fates is h=just the best movie song thing ever.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Saturday 26 April 2014

Super Showdown: Deadpool Vs Deathstroke

Yes It's me again for another post in the same day. This week I will be pitting Wade verses Slade, The merc with a mouth Deadpool Vs the Expert assassin Deathstroke.

I will be examining their Physical ability, mental status, tactics, equipment and abilities.

Physical Ability and Martial Prowess
Deadpool is in peek physical condition for a man of his age minus some scarring caused by aggressive cancer, he was trained in the military and has been a mercenary for a number of years since making also well trained when it comes to combat. During the weapon X program Deadpool opted to be experimented on to gain the same regenerative powers as wolverine, it was originally believed to be a failure but turned out to work it just needed a bit of time to kick in, because of his power he can take a lot more punishment than the average soldier and his muscles are able to sustain more therefore making him stronger as well. He is also a master in several forms of unarmed combat arts and knows how to utilise several different types of weapons with precision.

Deathstroke is also at the top of his physical prime for someone his age, however it is best to note he is around 50 years old and although his ageing is slowed you can tell his body is still past its prime, his ageing is slowed because of a military enhancement experiment that was performed onto him increasing his strength, reflexes and endurance greatly, he was also given regenerative powers though they are not as advanced as Deadpools. Deathstroke is well trained in both armed an unarmed combat, with his experience over the years he has polished all his techniques to a fine point.

In conclusion I'm going to have to give Deadpool the edge for this factor as Because of his younger age he will be stronger than Deathstroke  and is able to take much more punishment, it is a close one though as Deathstrokes advanced fighting skills make him more of a danger than is let on.

Mental Status
Because of the Weapon X program Deadpool received severe mental damage and has never been the same since. He often talks to the reader and two voices inside of his head. He constantly shows his lack of focus and unpredictability. This does not mean that he is not smart however as he has thought of some creative ideas before.

Instead of losing his mind from experiments Deathstokes became highly advanced. He is able to think 9 times faster making him amazingly efficient while under pressure and can find an opponents weakness with ease  and exploiting it to the full. He is however a bit arrogant at times.

I am going to have to give the edge here to Deathroke for obvious reasons as Deadpool is clearly not sane While Slade thinks more logically.

Equipment and abilities
Wade is riddled with a number of weaponry, the main one's being dual katana, dual pistols, dual sai and a teleporter. Because of his choice of mainly dual wielding weapons he gives the advantage of more attacks being put in therefore more of a chance to hit, however he does sacrifice some things such strength for the katana and aim for the pistols. The teleporter combined with Wade's unpredictable insanity proves to be a deadly asset on the battlefield as the opponent can not accurately predict where he will pop up next or what he will do when he does pop up. Abilities wise  Deadpool has his regenerative abilities which allow him to heal from every wound he has gotten to so far, he has even survived getting his head chopped off and being punched into smithereens by a super angry Hulk.

Slade also has a number of weaponry, most notably his Prometheum sword, dual pistols and machine gun. Because of his sword prometheum material it can absorb large amounts of energy and also isn't to bad at cutting things up either. He also wears body armour opposed to Deadpools skin tight suit, his body armour is very durable to conventional injury's. Deathstroke has Regenerative powers as well making him able to endure strenuous punishment although he can not survive death because of this.

The edge here is going to Deapool mainly because of his healing factor beinf superior and the fact that all of Deadpools weapons help weaponise his unpredictable nature massively.

Deadpool doesn't really use tactics but his unpredictable nature kind of counts as one. Because of his sanity combatants tend to struggle keeping up with Deapool. His style also has it's drawbacks however as he will often get distracted and loose focus or just rush in and attack, it's very fifty fifty when it comes to Deadpools approach.

Deathsrokes approach is a lot more thought out because of his advanced thinking skills and experience, Slade will come up with the best tactic to deal with what he is facing using whatever he can to do it. he is also not as destracted as Wade therefore he will give more in that respect.

For the category I will give the edge to Deathstroke, although Deadpool is unpredictable it is to risky for my liking and he isn't focused enough to emply anything he may think off with efficiency.

Final Decision
At the end of the day this was quite a difficult match to decide between but I have come up with my verdict. The winner is DEADPOOL.

The Reasons for this being that because of Deadpools more youthful body he can out perform Deathstroke in many ways and his regenerative abilities make it so he can take much much more than Deathstroke could even dream of. Although Slade has got the superior tactics and mental ability theres not much he can do against somebody who will just shrug it off and plus Wades insanity does have the possibility of working out on his part, also their martial abilitys were pretty similar although Deathstroke did have more experience.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O


So earlier today I decided it would be interesting to see how much time I have spent watching anime in my entire life. It turns out that I have watched 64 days worth of anime and to be honest I couldn't be bothered to add how much time I've spent watching pokemon because that is way to various.
I imagine quite a lot of people would have watched more than me but this is still pretty incredible and shows you that I do really sincerely love anime to what could be seen as an unhealthy extent, It doesn't even matter what genre it is for me, Action, Harem, slice of life etcetera  etcetera (saying that Iv'e never watched any Yaoi).

I also find the music really awesome, I have no Good idea on how to sing the words because I don't speak Japanese but they sound so epic and meaningful, like the anime themselves.

If you compare the anime I watch to the soaps my mum watches, In the soaps they are all mean to each other and at the end of the day are never nice people not to mention they reuse the same storyline in the same show all the time. Anime however everyone shows their nice side at some point and teaches you life morals, the main one being to never give up and always protect your friends.

So yeah basically I really really really like ANIME.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Weekly top 10: MARVEL characters

Because I did DC last week I shall be doing MARVEL this week, enjoy.

10) The Vision
Created by Ultron to defeat the Avengers and almost succeeded, but instead decided to join them. He is an all out power house and managed to get with the Scarlett witch which I have to respect.

9) She-hulk (Jennifer Walters)
Sexy, smart and strong, She-hulk has it all and when she is not beating down baddies she is fighting in court dealing with super human matters. Unlike her cousin Bruce she is able to control her anger and not become a rage induced maniac.

8) Starlord (Peter Quills)
Starlord is not only a badass when it comes to fighting but also is very funny and witty, which is generally what a character needs to be a fan favourite. He also looks cool in the future Guardians of the galaxy movie which I am looking forward to.

7) Thor (Donald Blake)
Worthy of his title of god of thunder, Thor manages to stay as one of the strongest members of the MARVEL universe. He has increased strength, durability flight and can smack you down with some lightning, if that is not the very definition of badass then I don't know what is.

6) Deadpool (Wade Wilson)
This one goes without saying. Deadpool continues to please with his variety of randomness and sometimes sick humour that for some unknown reason we can not help but love. He is also one of my favourites because of his conversation with not only the voices in his head but with the the audience as well.

5) Ms Marvel (Carol Danvers)
Half human and Half Kree Ms Marvel is another power house with sex appeal to boot. She is also a key member of the Avengers, comic avengers of course.

4) The Punisher (Frank castle)
Frank is just the no S*** badass of the MARVEL. He is more practical than other heroes like spider-man or batman in the case that he will kill his enemy's rather than putting them in a prison they will break out of.

3) Iron man (Tony Stark)
Iron man is many peoples favourite hero and I think everybody wants an Iron man suit of their own to just fly around in and punch the general person into the ground when they annoy you. What is ironic about Iron man is that he was originally made to be an unsinkable character but quickly became one of the most popular instead.

2) Spider-man (Peter Parker)
The most recognisable hero there is (I don't know it's not superman but that's what the survey said). Spider-man has an array of both cool and whacky villains who are almost always entertaining. Spider-man is also another witty character and I like bad jokes so for me Spider-man is really funny.

1)Wolverine (James "Logan" Howlett)
Wolverine is my favorite character because of his pure badassness and the fact that he will always look for the nicer option rather than punch first, sure he used to be like that but out of most other characters he has undergone the most change. Who wouldn't want Bone claws either...well...maybe with out the pain.

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Weekly Top 10: DC Heroes

As the title imply s this weeks top 10 will be about my favourite DC super heroes.

10) Raven
  Raven is most famous from the original Teen titans cartoon and for good reason, she related to most youngsters through her anti social attitude but with a kind heart underneath, she is also pretty hot, unless your talking about the Injustice raven.

9) Conner Kent
A young clone of superman Conner was taken in by Superman, although he doesn't have all of superman's powers he is still able to kick ass and brings along some good stories.

8) Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Batman is probably the most liked hero of them all, his dark and brooding attitude makes him as cool as can be although I do have complaints about his fan base as saying that he is batman does not provide sufficient proof of why he would win a fight.

7) Superman (Clark Kent or Kal-El)
The most ridiculously powered of all Super heroes, however he is the best person to have that level of power as he wouldn't never harm the innocent and constantly has with hold his true power so that he doesn't destroy buildings (contrary to what happens in man of steel).

6) Zatana (Zatana Zatara)
I generally consider this to be what some may call their waifu, her magic is anything she says backwards which you have to admit is pretty badass, you could just be like "ekac" and boom youv'e got a meal.

5) Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
The original robin Grayson had had enough  of not getting the credit and decided to leave batman and fight crime on his own, it turns out he does a lot better without Batmans supervision and looks much more badass.

4) Flash (Barry Allen)
Most people think all this guy can do is run fast, he can do much more than that my friend, he can vibrate his molecules so he can pass through things or other things pass through him and he has even shown the capability to vibrate someone elses molecules across space.

3) Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Who wouldn't like the power to create virtually anything in a green light form. Although the movie does him no justice Hal jordans cocky attitude and ability to overcome fear makes for some thrilling story lines.

2) Shazam/Captain Marvel (Billy Batson)
Propobaly one of the easiest secret identities to keep. One minute Billy is a harmless little kid and next a bolt of lightning strikes down and he's a powerful adult who can rival superman in power. This is the power I would choose out of any other just so I could shout SHAZAM! and for it to actually work.

1) Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
What i love about green arrow is just his pure wit, he just makes every situation funny with his sarcastic wit, he also manages to keep up with the rest of the justice league and can even get some of the jobs done faster on his own. I'm also a fan of traditional weapons

Seeya soon
Almighty PSYduck o.O